API Documentation#

class model.HybridModel(ABM: networkx.classes.graph.Graph)#

Create a ABM/FCM hybrid model for simulation based on a created the graph Each node of the ABM graph will have an ‘FCM’ attribute that points to an FCM graph. Each node of an FCM graph will have a ‘val’ attribute that has the value of that node.


ABM (networkx.Graph) – The ABM/FCM graph created using networkx


Partition the network into communities


community_algo (func) – the community algorithm to be used

get_neighbors(node: int) list#

Get neighbors for node in an adjacency matrix representation of a graph


node (int) – the node for which neighbors are fetched


a list of neighbors of the requested node

Return type


loadNewValues() None#

Sets FCM values to future values for each FCM in each agent infrom numba import cuda the simulation

runFCM(focus, threshold, max_it=100)#

Runs fuzzy cognitive map for all agents

  • focus (list) – list of focus nodes

  • threshold (list) – a list of thresholds corresponding to each focus node

  • max_it (int, optional) – the maximum number of iterations for each agent, defaults to 100

run_parallel(focus, threshold, iters, func, args, steps=20, with_community=False, community_algo=None)#

Run the interaction function and stabelize each FCM in parallel for each step

  • focus (list) – list concept names to stabilize

  • threshold (list) – stabilization thresholds for corresponding focus nodes

  • iters (int) – maximum amount of times to iterate

  • func (function) – interaction function between agents

  • args (list) – list of arguments for interaction function

  • steps (int) – number of steps of the simulation


average values for each focus concept

Return type


run_parallel_community(focus, threshold, iters, func, args, steps, community_algo)#

Run the interaction function and stabelize each FCM in parallel for each step

  • focus (list) – list concept names to stabilize

  • threshold (list) – stabilization thresholds for corresponding focus nodes

  • iters (int) – maximum amount of times to iterate

  • func (function) – interaction function between agents

  • args (list) – list of arguments for interaction function

  • steps (int) – number of steps of the simulation


average values for each focus concept

Return type


run_serial(focus, threshold, iters, func, argv, steps=20) float#

Run the model serially on CPU

  • focus (list(Float64)) – a list of focus nodes

  • threshold (list(Float64)) – a list of thresholds for each focus nodes

  • iters (int) – the maximum number of iterations when running FCM for each agent

  • func (function) – the function for interaction between agents

  • argv (list) – a list of arguments for the interaction function

  • steps (int, optional) – the number of steps the model will be run, defaults to 20


the average values of the focus concepts of all agents of after the simulation

Return type


transformNetwork(G: networkx.classes.graph.Graph)#

Use the networkx.Graph provided to extract information, including ABM and FCM adjacency matrices, a dictionary that maps FCM lables to their indices in the FCM adjacency matrix, along with other information


G (networkx.Graph) – networkx graph to be transformed

model.create_FCM_file(filename) networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph#

Create FCM graph for an agent


filename (string) – the path to the file for FCM model


a directed graph based on the provided file

Return type


model.create_graph(agent_count, graph_type, filename)#

Create ABM graph

  • agent_count (int) – the number of agents in the model

  • graph_type (string) – the graph type to be created (watts, sf, newman, or barabasi)

  • filename (string) – the path to a text file that has the edges for the FCM graph


a graph for the ABM/FCM hybrid model

Return type


model.generate_model(agent_count, filename, graph_type)#

Create a general model

  • agent_count (int) – number of agents in the model

  • filename (string) – the path to a file that stores the edges for the FCM

  • graph_type (string) – the type of graphs, pick from watts, sf, newman, and barabasi


a HybridModel

Return type
