Serial ================================================= The two-agent model used in this tutorial is described below: .. image:: insurgency_simple.svg Each agent has three nodes: Economic Development(ED), Rebelliousness(R), Ability of Insurgents to Control Population(AICP). The two agents will interact with each other, and their final values for Rebelliousness will be recorded. By default, the simulation will run 100 times. In a python file, import the :mod:`cuda_hybrid` module: .. code-block:: python import cuda-hybrid as md Next, create a model using :func:`generate_model`: .. code-block:: python hm = md.generate_model(2, "newman", "insurgency_simple.txt") The text file can be found here: :download:`insurgency_simple.txt<../text/insurgency_simple.txt>` Now create a function that simulates the interactions between the agents: .. note:: The interactions can be broken up into different methods, but these methods need to be wrapped into one function only in order to be passed to the :meth:`run_serial` method. The two rules for agent interactions for this model are: #. If the sum of ED values of an agent's neighbors is larger than 110% of the agent's ED, the agent's ED will increase by 5%. If the sum is smaller than 90% of the agent's ED, the agent's ED will decrease by 5%. The code for this is illustrated below: .. code-block:: python def econ_influence(val, influencing): threshold = 10 impact = 5 avg = 0.0 for num in influencing: avg += num lowerThresh = 1 - threshold / 100.0 upperThresh = 1 + threshold / 100.0 result = val if avg > val * upperThresh: result += val * impact / 100.0 elif avg < val * lowerThresh: result -= val * impact / 100.0 return result #. The agent's new ED value from the previous step will be influenced by its neighbors' AICP values. Deduct 10% of the total AICPs of its neighbors from its new ED value: .. code-block:: python def insurgency_influence(influencedVal, influencing): rate = 0.1 avg = 0.0 result = influencedVal for num in influencing: result -= rate * num avg /= len(influencing) return result The two above methods can be put into one function as follows: .. code-block:: python def insurgency_interact(hm): if hm.ABM_adj.shape[0] <= 1: return # loop through each agent for agent in range(hm.ABM_adj.shape[0]): # grab the neighbors friends = hm.get_neighbors(agent) # get the numeric index for EconomicDevelopment and AbilityOfInsurgentsToControlThePopulation econIdx = hm.fcm_labels["EconomicDevelopment"] insurgeIdx = hm.fcm_labels["AbilityOfInsurgentsToControlThePopulation"] econList = [] insurgeList = [] # get the list of values for all the neighbors for the two concepts for friend in friends: econList.append(hm.node_val[friend][econIdx]) insurgeList.append(hm.node_val[friend][insurgeIdx]) # agents now influence each other hm.node_future_val[agent][econIdx] = econ_influence( hm.node_val[agent][econIdx], econList ) hm.node_future_val[agent][econIdx] = insurgency_influence( hm.node_future_val[agent][econIdx], insurgeList ) .. note:: The above method takes the HybridModel object as the only argument. This can be changed depending on the use case To run the simulation, call the :meth:`run_serial`. The last argument, which is the number of steps is set to 20 by default. The arguments for the interaction function must be put into an array: .. code-block:: python hm.run_serial(["Rebelliousness"], [0.05], 10, insurgency_interact, [hm], 100) Runtime can be recorded by using ``timeit``: .. code-block:: python from timeit import Timer def run(): hm = generate_model(2, "newman", "insurgency_simple.txt") hm.run_serial(["Rebelliousness"], [0.05], 10, insurgency_interact, [hm], 100) t = Timer('run()','from test_insurgency import run') # run the function a total of 20 times and measure the time print(t.timeit(20)) Another way to record time is to use ``%timeit`` and ``%run`` via ipython package. After everything has been set up, ``%timeit`` can be used as: .. code-block:: console In [75]: %timeit hm.run_serial(["Rebelliousness"], [0.05], 10, insurgency_interact, [hm], 100) If the model is in a python file, the following code will run the file from within ipython and measure the time: .. code-block:: console In [10]: %timeit %run ./ The average values of all the focus nodes across all agents are displayed below: .. code-block:: console The recorded time using the second method was ``1.35 ms`` seconds.